Friday, December 21, 2018

Netflix Queue for Macbeth

Here is a compilation of TV shows and movies that Macbeth would thoroughly enjoy and find meaningful to his own life!

1. The West Wing

Image result for the west wing gifThe West Wing is a political drama surrounding the fictional president Josiah Bartlet and his entire administrative team and advisers. It is centered around controversy, everyday life working in the White House, and the political climate of the United States. It is quite hilarious but it also discusses important topics and situations in politics. It is quite unique as it explores the personal lives of the people running the entire nation too, bringing a different dimension to the show. Macbeth would absolutely love this TV series because most of the people in the show are individuals with so many different goals and aspirations. Macbeth could really relate to the ambition and drive of these people, despite the fact that the context of Macbeth is wildly different than early 2000s in the United States. The White House administration had all worked tirelessly to obtain their positions of power, just like Macbeth had really worked to become King, whether this was by ethical means aside. Nevertheless, Macbeth could also really relate to the struggles of running a nation, as The West Wing really delves into the daily decisions that the White House has to make that have a huge impact on the entire nation. This show would be highly recommended by Macbeth because he can relate to it in so many different ways. (P.S. This is the best show ever! It'll make you 1000 times smarter too. If you don't trust me, check out this person's blog for 10 more reasons you should watch The West Wing!)

2. King Kong (1976 version)

Image result for king kong gifThis movie is about a crew of explorers, looking for petroleum, that reach a deserted island. There, they meet some natives, the chief of which wants to marry the one woman in the group of explorers. When she refused, she was kidnapped and offered to the giant gorilla as a sacrifice. The monster is surprisingly kind and listens to the woman talk and dance. After the woman is rescued, the crew decides to bring Kong back to New York City to make money, as the oil wasn't high quality. When tons of reporters rush at the woman to ask her about Kong, he believes that she is being hurt and breaks free, causing widespread panic. Macbeth would absolutely recommend this movie for so many different reasons. First of all, he could really connect to the crew's desire for money and power. Macbeth was also quite greedy in this way, willing to commit all deeds to become King. Macbeth could also really relate to the gorilla. Kong was seen as a monster and killer, someone to fear, but was really sweet-hearted. In New York City, he just wanted to protect his friend and was looked on as a vicious and cruel monster. Macbeth could relate to this because Lady Macbeth had really urged him to commit murder. Although he did want power, it was not his idea or intent to murder many people and their families. Macbeth would highly recommend this movie because it might show people how he wasn't a villain after all!

3. Psych

Image result for psych gifThis TV show is a comedic detective show about the Santa Barbara Police Department. The protagonist is a self proclaimed psychic that uses his talents to solve crimes for the police department. These crimes range from robbery to murder and everything in between. He actually just has a photographic memory and is extremely vigilant, but very few people actually know the truth, including his own girlfriend (this doesn't go over too well when she does find out). This show details a new crime each episode, and also explores the personal lives of each of the characters. A huge theme in the show is making fun of the protagonist's masculinity for comedic affect. Macbeth would sympathize with the main character because Lady Macbeth is constantly making fun of Macbeth's own masculinity. Therefore, Macbeth would find the plot of the show very intriguing to see someone with a common trait, that is often made fun of, and how another person copes with this. He also might get some great ideas of ways to get away with murder and some common downfalls to avoid. He would highly recommend this movie because he could find some interesting things that he could apply to his own life.

4. Criminal Minds

Image result for criminal minds gifThis show is about an FBI unit that takes on some of the most difficult and psychotic cases of the cruelest cases of murder, abductions, arson, and more. They solve the cases by creating profiles for the criminals, doing in depth research to find possible suspects, matching their suspects to the profile, and then finding the criminal. It can often be very intense or scary, especially when the agents' lives are put in danger. Macbeth would find this show so intriguing because it really shows how the minds of criminals function, not always painting them in an evil light when there are extreme outside influences or the person is mentally challenged. Although the show always depicts the deed of murder, or whatever the case is, as gruesome and evil, the individuals are not always the representation of evil (although sometimes they are). Macbeth could really relate to this because just because he sees himself as a good person that has committed immoral actions. Lady Macbeth really coerced him to commit foul deeds and while his actions were terrible, he doesn't see himself as evil. This is really important in analyzing the development of the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because it gives reason to the shift where Macbeth starts to control the marriage, rather than it being a partnership. This reveals about Macbeth that he feels misunderstood, and later isolated after the death of his wife.

5. Would You Rather

Image result for would you rather gifWould You Rather is a horror movie about seven people desperate for money that go to a mansion to play a game of would you rather. They are given a chance to leave, but after the game starts, it must be finished and they are locked inside. Once the game starts, it takes a sadistic turn where they ended up having to choose who to inflict pain upon, and ultimately who you would rather kill. In the end, the protagonist ends up winning by killing a man that had saved her life, all to get the money for her dying son. When she gets back after being gone all night, he had committed suicide. Macbeth would really like this movie because it shows all different types of people going to far extents to reach money and wealth for various reasons. Macbeth could relate to wanting to have power and wealth, as well as all of the ambition and intentions of the people too. Along with this, he could even relate to the game host because he plotted and executed murders just like Macbeth. There could be a sense of relating to each other, even though the game master was portrayed as much more evil than Macbeth. He could relate to wanting to do everything to make himself happy, being overly ambitious and murdering other people who get in their way. This reveals that Macbeth is easily persuaded to do what others want and can really relate to other people that want the same thing.

Work Cited:

Duhe, Remi. "10 Reasons Everyone Should Watch 'The West Wing.'" The Daily Free Now, 15 Nov. 1970,

"King Kong (1976)" IMDb,,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa!
    Fantastic job on this post, I have a certain amount of respect for someone that either A) knows this many TV shows/movies or B) has the will to research the appropriate shows for this task! So, you go girl!

    Anyway, to the point of this comment, I think that you do a fantastic job in showing UNDERSTANDING of the text (Criterion A, I believe??) You are clearly comfortable with the themes present in Macbeth and it is clear in your writing. There were a few things that you mentioned that I wanted to comment on, such as the "Criminal Minds"portion. You discuss the Macbeth's marriage in this section. More specifically, you discuss the shift in control. As I read this I began to question who really had control in the first place. I remember the "Partner in Greatness" spiel from Act I Scene V, but do you think that it could be argued that Lady Macbeth had control the entire time (until Macbeth shut her out of course)? Macbeth could've been compelled by his wife and then she was the one in power the entire time?

    Also, I appreciated the connection to King Kong. I thought that your rationale was very reasonable. I think it also plays into the guilt that Macbeth carries for the murders he has committed. I think that the whole "monster on the outside, sweet-hearted on the inside" façade is very true to Macbeth. He would TOTALLY use a movie like King Kong as a justification for his actions.

    Anyways, great job, Melissa! I don't read your blogs often enough I certainly enjoy them!

    P.S.- Thank you for "The West Wing" recommendation, I started watching it and I LOVE it! However, I am 100% positive I am going to catch up to you so I maybe need to slow my roll... (I think I'm a quarter of the way through season two! Lol)


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